Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nova Coluna da Taty - Dicas de Leitura

Inauguramos hoje uma nova coluna no blog: a Taty's Book List, onde a Taty vai compartilhar com a gente as suas dicas de leitura (ver coluna ao lado).

Para começar arrebentando, a dica inaugural é 'O caso dos exploradores de cavernas' de Lon Fuller.

Uma rápida surfada pela Amazon nos dá uma boa idéia do calibre da obra.

- The best way to have a solid approach to the difficult world of the law.

- It's a fantastic account of legal thoughts in fictional form.

- This book tells a story that is increasingly touching and powerful:a group of friends decide to explore a cave, but when everything goes wrong, they are forced to create a new law inside the place in order to survive.By doing so, they forget the crowd of people outside who are trying to save them, and in this opressive and dark place, they will have to do something terrible. Lon Fuller sets a tense and hair-raising climate, in which the characters will have to play a deadly game in order to choose the one who is going to be killed, because this is the only way they may scape, by eating someone, because the food ran out. Although this book is very interesting, I must say that it is also VERY frightening, and the experience that you will have here will be very similar to the one that those kids from The Blair Witch Project had, the sensation of loss.I study law, and my teacher told to the class that we should all read it, because it also brings a lot of informations about how the justice works, but what will always be reminded by anyone who read this book is the fear that Lon Fuller develops.Lon Fuller isn't Stephen King, but, boy, here he writes something that is poweful and thrilling...

Excelente dica Taty!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chuchu cada dia vc me presenteia com alguma coisa nesse blog!!!
Fico muito contente isso mostra que vc está gostando muito da minha participação!!vamos ver quais serão as próximas obras...
bju coração !!